Friday 17 May 2013

SPCA submits paper to the Ministry of National Development (MND) for Legislation Change

In December 2011, SPCA submitted a proposal for legislative reform (Animals and Birds Act, Part IV, the ‘Prevention of Cruelty to Animals’ sections 42 to 44) to the Ministry of National Development and apart from proposing increased penalties for existing offences based on cruelty, we are proposing that failure to take care of the welfare of pets should also amount to an offence and be punishable as such. Reports of alleged cruelty to animals have increased – in the last decade they have doubled. Presently we are receiving 85 reports on average per month. Coupled with the increased number of reported pet neglect cases, we have a more aware public who does not hesitate to vocalise or express their opinions on animal cruelty issues, whether directly to the SPCA or through media/online avenues.

Over the past 27 years, the SPCA has recorded over 40 cases of animal cruelty prosecutions. In most of the police cases, we have assisted through meeting up with the police at the scene, taking the animal/s for veterinary consultation/providing a veterinary report or bringing the dead animals to the AVA for an official post-mortem. The SPCA have followed up with the police in many of these cases with our reports or opinions to ensure that they were prosecuted.

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