Thursday 16 May 2013

Animal cruelty on the rise


A CAT survived a 10-storey fall from a Nee Soon Housing Board block.
The animal is currently in a stable condition at Mount Pleasant Animal Hospital but may have to undergo surgery for a fractured front paw, said the Cat Welfare Society (CWS) which is monitoring the case.
The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority said it is investigating the case. The Straits Times understands that the suspected culprit is a 14-year-old student studying in the area.
This is the first publicised case of animal abuse since the National Development Ministry accepted an expert panel’s recommendation to strengthen animal welfare. Among the recommendations are harsher penalties where convicted animal abusers face a fine of up to US$50,000 (RM152,000) and / or a three-year jail term.
The CWS wants the teen to face criminal charges, and to undergo counselling and community service.
“So many animal abuse cases fall through the cracks. If there’s no action taken here, it sends the wrong message,” said CWS president Veron Lau.
This incident was reported to the police by a resident who saw the cat fall from a block of flats opposite his home on Sunday.
A teen, who was looking down from the second storey, later confessed to the resident that he had thrown the cat down. — The Straits Times / Asia News Network

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