Friday 17 May 2013

Cat allegedly flung to its death from Marsiling block

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SINGAPORE - A cat was allegedly flung to its death from Block 4, Marsiling Road at about 9.30am on Sunday morning.
Marsiling residents told the Cat Welfare Society (CWS) that they heard a loud thud and the footsteps of someone running away before they discovered the cat's body.
They also said that they had heard a cat mewing for two days but, despite searching, were unable to locate the feline.
The incident comes less than a month after two kittens were found dismembered in an HDB common corridor in Chong Pang.
CWS president Veron Lau said the authorities have been informed about the dead cat but the case has not been classified as abuse yet.
"We need people to come forward, give us proper statements and tell us if they recognise the cat as someone's pet," said Ms Lau.
"We also need them to share with us what they saw and heard that morning before abuse can be ascertained."

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