Saturday 27 July 2013

Affluence behind rise in cases of pet abuse

For Mr Joel Foo, offering to look after Yuki, an unwanted three-year-old husky, not only helped him overcome his childhood fear of dogs, but also saw him becoming the owner of not one, but three dogs.
The 44-year-old entrepreneur said yesterday: "I actually hated dogs, but I offered to look after Yuki while her previous owner tried to find someone to adopt her. (In the end,) I adopted her because we got along very well."
However, not all dogs are as fortunate, based on figures from the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA).
A total of 987 alleged cases of abuse and neglect were reported to the SPCA between July last year and June this year, a 15 per cent rise from a year ago.
Ms Corrine Fong, 47, executive director of the SPCA, attributed the rise to the "growing affluence" of pet owners here.
She said: "More people here now have more money to buy pets, and, as the number of pet owners rise, so do the number of cases of neglect and abandonment."
She was speaking on the sidelines of a World Animal Day carnival at East Coast Park organised by the SPCA yesterday.
"The most common reasons... are that (the owners) have no time to look after the pet, that the maid has gone home, or that they are downsizing their house," she added.
Ms Fong pointed out that owners needed to be responsible when choosing pets.
"People like to buy exotic pets, like chow chows or huskies, which are not ideally suited to Singapore's climate. They require special attention if they are to live in Singapore," she said.
Even people who hates dogs even adopt an unwanted dog. They are very kind and not many owners can be like that. Some pets were neglected and left to fend for themselves. We should think first before buying the pets as it requires heavy responsibility to take care of it. 
Credits to:

Friday 19 July 2013

SPCA monthly report of May

The owners are so cruel! They should have considered first before buying them. Pets are living things also, we should give our utmost care and respect to the pets. We should not just live them to die like it's nobody business. Those owners are so irresponsible.


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Wednesday 17 July 2013

'Ignorance' a factor in animal abuse

Stiffer penalties could be introduced as a deterrent against animal cruelty, said Member of Parliament Yeo Guat Kwang, chairman of a committee to review legislation on animal welfare.
This was among the suggestions received by the Animal Welfare Legislation Review Committee, formed by the Government earlier this year.

Under the law, anyone found guilty of animal cruelty can be fined up to $10,000, jailed up to 12 months, or both.

Speaking on the sidelines of an Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority roadshow held at Causeway Point mall yesterday, Mr Yeo said: "There were many calls for stiffer penalties... But we also found that many of the wrongdoers (were) ignorant of (proper) care for the pets."
Alternative measures could be implemented to help these people learn how to take better care of animals instead, he said, adding that they could, perhaps, be sent to do community service with animal-welfare groups.

The committee has held six consultation sessions with about 170 participants, including pet-industry players, grassroots leaders, veterinarians and animal-welfare groups and activists. Mr Yeo said the committee hopes to reach out to more people, and will launch a month-long online consultation next month. The committee will also work with grassroots organisations to get feedback through more traditional channels.

It expects to firm up the suggestions and submit them to the Government by the end of the year. Another suggestion was to educate pet owners by having grassroots and community organisations run awareness classes on animal welfare.

Mr Yeo said that there were also calls for the pet industry to play a more active role. One of the recommendations was for the establishment of an "accreditation scheme" for the pet industry.
"We want to make sure all those working in pet shops are well trained and they comply with a certain industry standard," he said.

Pre-sale screening of potential buyers was another possibility, to ensure that they were not buying on impulse, and had the knowledge and skills to look after a pet.
"So, (it's) not just for (the sake) of making money," Mr Yeo said


I think that ignorance is really a factor in pet abuse. The owners ignore the needs of the pet and does not understand them so they tend to ignore it. We show our pets the love they need as our pets are loyal to us and they love us.

Tuesday 16 July 2013


Pets are just asking for a chance to live. We should give them a chance and not destroy it.

Sunday 14 July 2013

Pets love us!

Photo: ★ It is truly amazing how our pets give us countless reasons to love them! ★ ~ The Animal Rescue Site

★ It is truly amazing how our pets give us countless reasons to love them! ★ ~

Puppy Survives 4 Weeks in Impounded Car

This little puppy almost died in the car of dehydration!How could owners be so irresponsible!

Kia is shown in a KSHB report.

A 12-week-old puppy somehow managed to survive for four of those weeks in an impounded car in Kansas City, the Kansas City Star reports. Little Kia is believed to have subsisted on McDonald's trash and cigars that were left in the Buick, which was impounded April 8 for being illegally parked, but employees at the tow lot saw no sign of any water in the car. She arrived at the city's animal shelter after finally being found yesterday, emaciated and dehydrated and looking more like an 8-week-old puppy, and was finally able to eat a little dog food.
The terrier-schnauzer mix is expected to survive—KSHBnotes that the cooler weather likely had a hand in that—and will be placed in a foster home so she can be trained and get veterinary care before going up for adoption in two weeks. Employees at the tow lot are upset, and say they're not sure how Kia went undetected for so long; it's possible she was hiding, and employees typically don't unlock doors when a car arrives locked, as this one did. No one ever came to claim the car or the dog. City officials are investigating.

So touching!


A little difference can make a big impact!

Friday 12 July 2013

Dogs are loyal

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Dogs care for their owner more than they care for themselves. We should not take it for granted.