Monday 24 June 2013

Sunday 16 June 2013

Monday 10 June 2013

Pets are innocent

Pet are not guilty of anything. It is the owner that abuses the pets who are guilty.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

No excuse for animal abuse

There is no excuse for animal abuse. We should not harm them. They are just innocent little creatures that need love from their owners. You bought the pet so you should give them the love they need

Sunday 2 June 2013


Photo: 1 like = 1 prayer 
1 comment = 10 prayer 
Share if you're against animal abuse!!

How could people do this now a days.Animals have feelings too.


Photo: Pet don't have voices but we have voices that can speak up for them when they need our help

Pet don't have voices but we have voices that can speak up for them when they need our help.